Solution for a decayed, chipped, or cracked tooth
Dental Inlays and Onlays
Great aesthetic alternatives to composite fillings.
Don’t delay fixing tooth damage and decay, it’s important to address it right away. Fantastic Smiles offers different treatment options, depending on the degree of the damage. When the damage is too much for a simple filling, yet not extensive enough for a crown or cap, the solution is a dental inlay or onlay.
The key distinguishing factor a dentist will use to determine the RIGHT CHOICE FOR A PATIENT is the size of the cavity.
Benefits of Inlays
- Durability and strength
- Protect and seal the tooth from further damage
- Prevent food particles from lodging in the tooth
- Reduces tooth sensitivity
- Lasts longer than a regular filling
Benefits of Onlays
- Preserve tooth structure, unlike crowns
- Additional strength and support for the affected tooth
- Custom-fit for each patient
- Improve the natural aesthetic and appearance of teeth
Inlay or Filling
Dental Inlays use an impression of the cavity to be the exact size and shape needed to restore tooth strength and appearance. Inlays are the cosmetic treatment option, compared to fillings and can be used to replace old fillings. Patients have increasingly been choosing inlays over fillings when treating a cavity, but both options are available.
Onlay or Crown
When patients have significant dental decay or other issues, they might be torn between onlays or crowns. Dental onlays are a good choice if you have enough structural integrity to support the restoration. If a fracture or decay has weakened the tooth and impacted its structural integrity, a dental crown is the better option. Dental onlay is less invasive, only damage and tooth decay are removed before the onlay is placed. This preserves most of the tooth structure. To prepare the tooth for a crown, the dentist must greatly reduce the size of the tooth on all sides.
Alternatives to an Inlay/Onlay
When considering dental restorations like crowns, inlays, or onlays, it is always a good idea to visit an experienced and qualified dentist for optimal results.
Alternative treatments available at Fantastic Smiles:
Schedule an appointment
Please contact us with any cavity or tooth decay concerns. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call Fantastic Smiles dental office at (847) 577-5464 or send us an email
Let's get started on the beautiful, healthy smile you have always wanted.