Dental Sealants

The Secret Weapon Against Tooth Decay

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants at Fantastic Smiles, led by Dr. Ewa Koser in Mount Prospect, offer an effective solution for preventing tooth decay. Particularly beneficial for the biting surfaces of back teeth, these dental sealants work by applying a tooth-colored acrylic coating. This creates a protective barrier against harmful plaque and acids. Enhance your dental health with this simple and proven procedure at our Mount Prospect dental clinic.

Why Are Dental Sealants Important?

  • Protection against decay: Sealants are your first line of defense against cavities, especially in those hard-to-reach areas that brushing and flossing can't always cover.
  • Long-lasting safeguard: They provide long-term protection, reducing the need for costly and invasive dental treatments.
  • Quick and painless: The application process is fast and painless, making it an ideal choice for children and adults alike.
  • Promotes Better Oral Hygiene: By creating a smooth, easy-to-clean surface, sealants help in maintaining excellent oral hygiene.
  • Proven effectiveness: Dental sealants are highly effective in preventing cavities, offering peace of mind for parents and health-conscious individuals.

Natural grooves and pita in a molar tooth and after sealant.

Who Can Benefit from Dental Sealants?

  • Adults: Perfect for adults with deep grooves or depressions in their teeth that are free from decay.
  • Children and Teenagers: Ideal for kids as soon as their first permanent back teeth appear, typically around the age of six, and throughout their cavity-prone years (6-16).
  • Baby Teeth: Occasionally applied to baby teeth if they have deep grooves or depressions and the child is prone to cavities.
Maintain Your Sealants

Proper home care, a balanced diet, and regular dental visits will ensure the longevity of your new sealants. They can last for several years but should be checked for wear and chipping during routine dental check-ups.

Schedule an appointment

Prevent tooth decay before it starts! Safeguard your family's pearly whites with dental sealants at Fantastic Smiles, in Mount Prospect. For more details or to book a dental sealant appointment, call our office at (847) 577-5464 or send us an email.

At Fantastic Smiles, we prioritize prevention over cure.

301 E Rand Rd

Mount Prospect, IL 60056

(847) 577-5464

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